I was amazed by how well the color and fit matched. I was worried about buying it without trying it on, but I was very happy with the quality and fit. It's really good. I thought it would take a long time to arrive, but it came in a reasonable amount of time.
I was amazed by how good the quality and customer service were. I got the big size and it arrived in the USA in just one day with FedEx. However, it was too big for me, so I asked customer service for an exchange. They responded quickly and were very helpful, just like dealing with Amazon. The materials used are top-notch. I really like it and will order from here again because the return process was easy. Thank you!
The making and fitting of this item, the help and talking, the time it took to make it during a hard time - all excellent. I really like how much work went into making this amazing thing and I can't wait to buy something else soon! Many thanks to everyone, and please stay safe.