The 24th Day follows the story of Tom, a man who has been in a coma for seven years. When he wakes up, he is not only confused about what happened to him during those lost years but also realizes that someone close to him may have had something to do with his condition. With the help of his brother and sister-in-law - both detectives - Tom begins piecing together the clues leading to the person responsible for putting him into a coma. But as he gets closer to uncovering the truth, Tom discovers that some secrets are better left buried. The series finale aired on September 11, 2006.
The Day Kiefer Sutherland Jacket would be perfect for any man looking for a stylish and versatile jacket to wear this spring. Made from high-quality materials, this jacket is sure to keep you warm and comfortable all day long. It features a stylish design that will look great with any outfit, making it the perfect addition to your wardrobe.
Looking sharp doesn't have to mean spending a fortune. This Day Kiefer Sutherland Jacket is perfect for looking good on a budget. It's made from high-quality materials and features a stylish design that will make you stand out from the crowd. Whether you're dressing up or dressing down, this jacket is a great choice for any occasion.