Ted Lasso is a new show that is set to air on the A&E network this fall. The show follows the adventures of private investigator Ted Lasso and his partner, Flo Collins. The show is based on the Amazon series Sneaky Pete, which was also created by Ted Lasso.
The jacket that Ted Lasso wears in the show is made out of leather and features a zip-up front with a hood. It also has a rib-knit cuff and waistband, as well as front and back pockets. The jacket is available now at ShopTedLasso.com.
Looking for a stylish leather jacket to wear on your next TV show appearance? Check out our Tv show Ted Lasso Flo Collins Leather Jacket! This jacket is perfect for any occasion and will make you look like a professional. Our jacket is made from high-quality, durable leather and features a stylish design that will turn heads. Don't miss out on this great deal, order now!